On March 26 of 2015, Annie Wang, senior partner of Law View Partners, was invited by Shanghai Cao He Jing Hi-tech Park Innovation Development Corporation to lecture in the CHJHTP on the topic of “Analysis on the Ways of Employment”. Most of participants are managers of HR Departments of the companies inside CHJHTP. Annie began with several case studies addressing the establishment of enterprise’s HR framework, differences among various ways of employment, and establishment and termination of employment contract, Combining the theoretical framework and practical cases, Annie’s speech has provided a clear illustration of employment system to all attendees.
After the lecture, the attendees and our lawyer Annie Wang, Huang Wenzheng and Anson Shen had an interaction of labor dispute issues encountered in the day-to-day operation of enterprise. The attendees also raised some questions they have met which was then answered and clarified by our lawyers, which built up the climax of the lecture.
If you have interests in the content of the speech, please contact Annie through the email address: anniewang@lawviewer.com