We Co-author with Rubicon a China Senior Care Report


A Game-changing piece of intelligence for players in China's Senior Care Market is now available.

This report, coming in at over 200 pages, combines 6 months of on-the-ground interviews with key stakeholders driving development at roughly 50 senior living sites and multiple home healthcare businesses. Included in the report are updates on new regulations specific to both senior housing and home healthcare, written by Joe Christian and Michael Qu.

The on-line purchase option is available via our e-commerce store here http://healthintelasia.com/product/china-senior-care-report/

, Joe Christian and their years of experience on the ground helping identify and broker opportunities in China’s emerging senior living industry. In other words, this report combines great research along with key information and summarized market insights all delivered at an executive and institutional investor level. Want both solid research as well as critical executive information? Then this is the report for you.