On 18 October2016, Michael Qu, Senior Partner of our Firm, was invited to participate in apanel discussion at the Columbia-Fudan Global Summit on Aging and Health heldin Shanghai. Topic of the discussion is focused on the “Public-PrivatePartnerships in the Elderly Care Industry”. During the one-hour paneldiscussion, Michael shared his insights with the other panelist from World Bankand Hong Kong University on how PPP can help build senior and healthcareprojects, what government, private investors and operator are looking for, andwhere difficulties and challenges lying ahead, etc.
Hostedby Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health and Fudan University’sSchool of Public Health, this three-day summit drew aging experts from aroundthe world for the cross-sector sharing of ideas among scientists, policymakers, and industry, to help countries prepare for the growth andopportunities of their aging populations.